Jul 29, 2022

How To Export Video In After Effects | Export From After Effects 2022 Easily


In this Blog, I will explain How To Export Video In After Effects quickly and easily with fast rendering speed as well as some pro tips to increase the editing workflow and rendering speed.

Step # 1: Editing Composition

So, first of all, you need to edit your composition. once you are done, you need to make sure you are in the root/parent composition.

After that, Go to Composition -> Add to Render Queue in the top left tabs of the After Effects.

Step # 2: Add Composition To Render Queue

You will see the Render Queue tab in the bottom left tab. Now you need to consider 4 main settings here.

Step # 3: Render Settings

First of all, you need to click on Best Settings, Next to Render Settings, and Apply the following settings as shown below.

Render Settings After Effects.png

Step # 4: Output Module

After that click on Lossless next to the Output module and apply the following:

1. Format: QuickTime

If you are unable to see QuickTime then Download QuickTime software from here:

2. Post-Render Action: None

3. Video Output: Checked

4. Channels: RGB for plane background, and select RGB+Alpha for transparent background

5. Format Options: Animation

Leave Resize & Crop

6. Audio Output On -> 48.000KHz, 32 Bit, Stereo

That's it and click on Ok to apply all changes.

Step # 5: Render

Now you are done, simply click on Render and your video will be rendered.

Step # 6: Output File

Once rendering is done the output video file format will be .MOV

You can convert it into MP4 using any conversion tool or you can use Adobe Media Encoder to convert the Video format to MP4.

In this way, you can export the video from After Effects easily in high-quality and low file size. If you found this article helpful then don't forget to comment down below and share your thoughts. Thanks for reading.



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